Cursos / Eletrônica / Inglês Técnico / Aula

arrow_back Aula 07 - Falsos cognatos: amigos ou inimigos?

Outros tempos no passado

Past continuous

Utilizamos o past continuous para ações no passado que ocorreram por um determinado período ou que expressam algo incompleto ou não finalizado.

The sun was shining and the birds were singing.

Yesterday at 6 p.m. I was coming back home.

Utilizamos, também, para ações que foram interrompidas por algum outro evento:

I was taking a shower when the telefone rang.

A estrutura é o verbo to be no passado + verbo principal com terminação –ing. Para fazer a negativa colocamos o –not após o to be; e para fazer a interrogativa, invertemos o to be com o sujeito. Dê uma olhada na tabela:

Past continuous
I / he /she / it was playing.
we / you / they were playing.
I / he /she / it was not playing.
we / you / they were not playing.
Was I / he /she / it playing?
Were we / you / they playing?
  1. Complete as frases com o past continuous dos verbos em parênteses:
    1. Those men (fight) in the middle of the street.
    2. Jen (cook) dinner when they arrived.
    3. The students (not cut) a lot of piece of paper to do the work.
    4. Nick (try) to help homeless people.
    5. the kids (hide) behind the tree?

Past perfect

Utilizamos o passado perfeito para uma ação que ocorreu antes de outra ação.

I had gone out when he arrived.

A estrutura é o verbo to have no passado (had) + o verbo principal no particípio. Para fazer a negativa adicionamos o not após o had; e para fazer a interrogativa, invertemos o had com o sujeito.

I had already asked the question when Rose raised her hand.
I had not finished the article when we reached the deadline.
Had you given up when they decided to go?
  1. Complete as frases com o past perfect dos verbos em parênteses:
    1. Grace (lose) her keys and couldn’t open the door.
    2. Will didn’t go to the cinema because she already (watch) that movie.
    3. When Katy arrived they already (go).
    4. It (not rain) since last Summer so the land was dry.
    5. you (eat) before you left to school?

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