Cursos / Automação Industrial / Inglês Técnico / Aula

arrow_back Aula 02 - Selecionando palavras para a inferência contextual


Quando você encontra uma palavra desconhecida, a primeira coisa que você faz é recorrer ao dicionário, não é mesmo?

Tente fazer as atividades sem recorrer ao dicionário.

Vamos começar com algumas mais simples.

  1. Tente completar as lacunas com palavras em inglês.
    1. Recife, Salvador and Fortaleza are big in the Northeast of Brazil.
    2. My favorite kind of are pop, rock, and indie.
    3. Last weekend I went to the cinema and watched a .
    4. They prepared a salad with apple, kiwi and strawberries.
    5. In 2016, the Olympic were in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    6. She went to the hospital and the examined her.
    7. In a soccer match, all the players want to kick the .
    8. She was cooking her own because she was very hungry.
    9. I went to school on foot, because the broke down on the way.
    10. I need to go to the library after class to study for the .
    11. To reduce , people need to eat less carbohydrates and do more exercises.
    12. are programs used to operate a computer.

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Você percebeu que, quanto mais palavras da frase você conhece, mais fácil fica a inferência? Por isso, aprender apenas estratégias de leitura não basta. Você tem de construir constantemente seu vocabulário.

  1. Leia os seguintes parágrafos e tente preencher os espaços em branco.
    1. A lot of home security cameras nowadays have recognition.  recognition lets you create a database of friends and family members who regularly visit your house. Then, when the camera sees a face, it determines whether or not it's someone in your database of known faces.
    2. The life of the iPhone XS Max was slightly disappointing. It will get through the daylight hours without issue, but it won’t rival the Huaweis of this world. It lasted just over 27 hours between charges, starting at 7am on day one and lasting right through till past 10am on day two.
    3. 4G broadband service
    4. Telecoms company EE has revealed plans to sell a 4G that promises to bring fast broadband internet to thousands of homes in rural areas. EE's Simon Till said the "shoebox-size" would let more people access the company's 4G broadband service.
    5. You probably store a lot of and on your PC and you probably intend to back them up, but you just haven’t done it yet. Back up is hard to do, it’s too expensive and for sure it takes too long. Storing your and in the Cloud also have risks.

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  1. Leia o texto abaixo, tente inferir o que significa a palavra zip e escolha a alternativa correta.

Zip became popular after the II World War and what a difference it has made to our lives since then. It keeps people at home much more. It has made the remote parts of the world more real to us. Photographs show a country, but only zip makes us feel that a foreign country isreal. Also we can see scenes in the street, big occasions are zipped, such as the Olympic Games in China. Perhaps the sufferers from zip are the famous people, such as politicians, artists among others because as soon as they appear in a public place they have to face a battery of zip cameras and know that every moment, every gesture will be seen by millions of people from all over the world.

(Ferreira, 2010)
  1. ( )cinema
  2. ( )fotografia
  3. ( )televisão
  4. ( )telefone

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E aí? Conseguiu? Se não, leia o texto novamente:

Zip became popular after the II World War and what a difference it has made to our lives since then. It keeps people at home much more. It has made the remote parts of the world more real to us. Photographs show a country, but only zip makes us feel that a foreign country isreal. Also we can see scenes in the street, big occasions are zipped, such as the Olympic Games in China. Perhaps the sufferers from zip are the famous people, such as politicians, artists among others because as soon as they appear in a public place they have to face a battery of zip cameras and know that every moment, every gesture will be seen by millions of people from all over the world.

Você consegue perceber que as palavras destacadas na cor cinza, apesar de serem recorrentes e comuns em diversos textos da língua inglesa, não possuem muita importância semântica? Isto é, podemos ignorá-las, que elas não farão muita diferença no nosso entendimento geral do texto.

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