Cursos / Automação Industrial / Inglês Técnico / Aula

arrow_back Aula 02 - Selecionando palavras para a inferência contextual


  1. Por quais pronomes você substituiria os sujeitos das seguintes orações?
    1. Computers =
    2. The CPU =
    3. A website =
    4. These computers =
    5. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg =
    6. Tim Berners-Lee =
    7. My friends and I =
    8. My sister Martha =
    9. You and your family =
    10. Some examples of input devices =
  2. Clique aqui para verificar suas respostas.

  3. Complete as frases com a forma verbal correta do verbo to be no presente simples da forma afirmativa (am, is ou are).
    1. Computers machines that perform tasks or calculations.
    2. The CPU the “brain” of your computer.
    3. A website a collection of interconnected webpage.
    4. These computers built to perform a limited number of tasks.
    5. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg from the USA.
    6. Tim Berners-Lee the inventor of the web.
    7. My friends and I studying IT at UFRN.
    8. My sister Martha an IT technician.
    9. You and your family going to travel tomorrow.
    10. Some examples of input devices the keyboard and the mouse.
  4. Clique aqui para verificar suas respostas.

  5. Traduza as orações acima. Qual a oração que o verbo to be é traduzido como o verbo “estar”?
  6. Resposta
  7. Traduza essas orações, veja a diferença no uso de “ser” e “estar” de acordo com o contexto e marque as orações em que a tradução é o verbo “estar”.
    1. I’m ( ) an Information Technology (IT) student and I’m ( ) in class right now.
    2. Andrew is ( ) an IT technician specialized in computer network. He is ( ) working at a big company in Brazil.
    3. Laura and Peter are ( ) classmates. They’re ( ) attending a conference on Cloud Computing this week.
    4. An eye tracker is ( ) a device for measuring eye position and eye movements.
    5. “To be ( ), or not to be ( ), that is ( ) the question.” (William Shakespeare)

Para mais atividades e explicações sobre o verbo to be, acesse os links:

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