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arrow_back Aula 10 - Revendo conceitos

Atividade 03

Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões a seguir.

What is net neutrality?

2 Net neutrality is the principle that all traffic on the internet should be treated equally, regardless of whether you're checking Facebook, posting pictures to Instagram or streaming movies from Netflix or Amazon. It also means that companies like AT&T, which is trying to buy Time Warner, or Comcast, which owns NBC Universal, can't favor their own content over a competitor's content.

I understand what it means not to block or slow traffic. But what's paid priority all about?

9 In addition to rules that prevent broadband companies from blocking or throttling access to the internet, the FCC in 2015 included a rule that banned broadband providers from charging a company, like Netflix, an extra fee to serve its customers faster than a competitor.
13 Net neutrality supporters say that such fees could lead to a pay-to-play internet, with large companies like Netflix, Google or Facebook paying for speedier access, while startups, which can't afford the added cost, could get left out. And that could ultimately result in fewer choices for consumers and less innovation. It could also result in higher prices for consumers, as the added costs trickle down.

  1. O que é net neutrality?
  2. O que significam as palavras destacadas na oração abaixo?

    “It also means that companies like AT&T, which is trying to buy Time Warner, or Comcast, which owns NBC Universal, can't favor their own content over a competitor's content.”

  3. O que aconteceu em 2015?
  4. Qual o significado da sigla FCC? Pesquise na internet. Como você traduz a expressão para o português?
  5. Transcreva do texto:
    1. cinco cognatos
    2. dois falsos cognatos
  6. Considerando a coesão e a coerência de um texto, traduza os conectivos:
    1. also (L4) -
    2. or (L5) -
    3. in addition to (L9) -
    4. while (L15) -
  7. De acordo com os tempos verbais estudados, indique se as sentenças se encontram no (1) passado, (2) presente ou (3) futuro:
    1. () AT&T is trying to buy Time Warner.
    2. () Comcast bought NBC Universal some years ago.
    3. () I understand what it means not to block or slow traffic.
    4. () The FCC included a rule that banned broadband providers from charging a company an extra fee to serve its customers faster than a competitor.
    5. () Maybe this will result in fewer choices for consumers and less innovation.

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