Cursos / Automação Industrial / Inglês Técnico / Aula

arrow_back Aula 06 - A importância das palavras cognatas


  1. Complete as frases com was ou were.
  2. a) The class this week


    b) My classmates

    saying that math is very easy. I don’t think so.

    c) They

    studying together during the weekend.

    d) Laura

    sorry for not going to the party.

    e) I

    feeling a little depressed about my future.

  3. Complete as frases com o passado dos verbos em parênteses.
    1. Last year I (go) to na IT congresso in Recife.
    2. When we (have) free time, we (visit) some interesting places.
    3. The weather (be) fantastic: sunny and hot.
    4. In the morning, we (attend) some lectures and activities.
    5. In the evening, we (eat) out and (go) to bed early.
  4. Complete a tabela com as frases no passado simples.
  5. affirmative negative interrogative
    I was happy with his sucessful career.
    I didn’t eat Sushi last weekend.
    Did you watch a movie yesterday?

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