Cursos / Jogos Digitais / Inglês Técnico II / Aula

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Atividade 03

India blocks Zuckerberg's free net app

8 February 2016 | From the section Technology Many Indians had protested against the service | GETTY IMAGES
India's telecoms regulator has blocked Facebook's Free Basics internet service app as part of a ruling in favour of net neutrality.

1 The scheme offered free access to a limited number of websites. However, it was opposed by supporters of net neutrality who argued that data providers should not favour some online services over others. The free content included selected local news and weather forecasts, the BBC, Wikipedia and some health sites.

5 "No service provider shall offer or charge discriminatory tariffs for data services on the basis of content," ruled the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. The body had been investigating whether any online content should be prioritised over others, or offered for free while others were not.

9 Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said he would work to make Free Basics legal. "While we're disappointed with today's decision," he wrote. "I want to personally communicate that we are committed to keep working to break down barriers to connectivity in India and around the world. Connecting India is an important goal we won't give up on, because more than a billion people in India don't have access to the internet. We know that connecting them can help lift people out of poverty, create millions of jobs and spread education opportunities.

16 The World Wide Web Foundation, founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the web, welcomed the regulator's decision. "The message is clear: We can't create a two-tier Internet - one for the haves, and one for the have-nots," said programme manager Renata Avila. We must connect everyone to the full potential of the open Web. We call on companies and the government of India to work with citizens and civil society to explore new approaches to connect everyone as active users, whether through free data allowances, public access schemes or other innovative approaches."

(Retrieved and adapted from:
  1. Julgue as sentenças como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F):
    1. () A reguladora de telecomunicações da Índia bloqueou o aplicativo pois este vai de encontro com a ideia da neutralidade da internet.
    2. () Notícias locais, previsões de clima, BBC, Wikipedia e alguns sites sobre saúde são alguns dos conteúdos que não são gratuitos.
    3. () Segundo Zuckerberg, conectar as pessoas na Índia pode ajuda-las a sair da pobreza, criar milhões de empregos e espalhar oportunidades educacionais.
    4. () Sir Tim Berners-Lee, o fundador da web, é a favor do aplicativo, pois essa ação inclui digitalmente bilhões de pessoas na Índia.
  2. Identifique os pronomes do caso reto no parágrafo abaixo. A que eles se referem? Escolha a alternativa correta.

    “While we're disappointed with today's decision," he wrote. "I want to personally communicate that we are committed to keep working to break down barriers to connectivity in India and around the world. Connecting India is an important goal we won't give up on, because more than a billion people in India don't have access to the internet. [...]”

    1. ( ) we – pessoas que estão lendo a notícia; he – Mark Zuckerberg;
    2. ( ) we – pessoas que estão lendo a notícia; I – a pessoa que escreveu o texto;
    3. ( ) we – pessoas na Índia; he – Sir Tim Berners-Lee;
    4. ( ) I and he refere-se a Mark Zuckerberg.
  3. Combine os pronomes com suas referências corretas:
    1. it (L1)
    2. who (L2)
    3. he (L9)
    4. them (L14)
    5. we (L17)

    () A fundação The World Wide Web

    () o aplicativo Free Basics

    () Mark Zuckerberg

    () pessoas que apoiam a neutralidade da rede

    () pessoas na Índia

  4. Como os pronomes abaixo são classificados? Faça a combinação:
    1. it (L1)
    2. who (L2)
    3. he (L9)
    4. them (L14)
    5. we (L17)

    () pronome do caso reto

    () pronome oblíquo

    () pronome relativo

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